TSSSA Kī o Rahi caters for students of all levels, those with experience and potentially aiming to compete at Nationals (competitive grade) and those that are new to the sport (social grade).
Kī o Rahi is a traditional Māori sport that has an attacking and defensive element to it. It compiles skills from netball, rugby, & touch and is played on a circular field with 8 players per team.
TSSSA Kī o Rahi is National Qualifier Event for NZSS Kī o Rahi in 2026.
Wednesday 20th August 2025
TSB Hub Fields, Hāwera
Check in: 9:30am
Karakia/Briefing: 9:40am
First games: 10am
Approximate finish time: 2:15pm
Entries Due:
Wednesday 13th August 2025
Grades Offered:
NB: Ki ō Rahi is an open grade event i.e. Year 9-13 play in the same grade.
Recommended Equipment: Rubber Studded Boots (NO metal sprigs allowed)
Compulsory Equipment: Each team must provide belts and tags, as well as a referee.
Entry: TSSSA only accept entries from school sports coordinators. Please head to the “Contact” page for your school’s sports coordinator contact details.
Entry into a TSSSA event grants TSSSA permission to take photographs and/or video footage of those students/teams entered. TSSSA has the right to distribute these images/videos for promotional purposes. Please inform TSSSA in writing in advance of the event if a participant wishes not to be photographed/videoed.
Regional Sports Organisation Contact
T: 06 759 0930 ext 705
E: kralph@tsssa.org.nz
L: Yarrow Stadium (Sport Taranaki Building)
Maratahu Street Westown, 4310
New Plymouth New Zealand