How a participant focused approach as opposed to Sport led means a better quality experience for Rangatahi and greater participation at school and club level. 

TSSSA works with over 40 Regional Sports Organisations and Clubs and is supported by 300 plus volunteers who help run TSSSA Events and programs.

Partnerships with regional sporting organisations and clubs continue to be vital to the viability and success of the TSSSA program and we continue to look at ways to support these relationships. Having those really good relationships with RSO’s and clubs and understanding their capability means that we can establish roles and responsibilities and co construct to deliver a quality experience. 

Improving the understanding of the School Sport Space with RSO’s through conversation and consistent messaging in RSO/School sport is one of these ways. Meetings are scheduled twice a year to ensure facilitation between Schools and RSO’s with winter and summer codes to ensure that the needs of the secondary school students are being met.

TSSSA Events such as Modified Sports Week also provide a place for collaboration and greater understanding between sports codes and advocating for Secondary School leagues and opportunities for secondary school students to participate outside of a TSSSA event are also areas that we focus on.